Diabetic Eye Care

A yearly diabetic eye exam is recommended to all patients with diabetes.  This will insure that any changes in ones vision and eye health are detected early.  Pupil dilation and Retinal Scan (OPTOS)  is the standard of care to detect early changes inside the eyes.  Diabetic eye diseases are caused by damages to the blood vessels in the tissue at the back of the eye called the retina.  Between 40-45% of Americans diagnosed with diabetes have some stage of diabetic retinopathy. 

Can diabetic retinopathy be reversed? No, but it doesn’t have to lead to blindness, either. If you catch it early enough, you can prevent it from taking your vision. Dr. David Ho and associates are exceptional at detecting vision changes, and evaluating retinal eye health in diabetics.  People with proliferative retinopathy can reduce their risk of blindness by 95% with timely treatment and appropriate follow-up care.